Sundays at 10:00 AM

At the conclusion of the service the staff and elders are available to talk and/or pray with you.


  • We have no set "dress code" as we believe God is more interested in who we are rather than what we wear. You can dress up, or dress down, our only request...come as you are.

  • Our worship style is contemporary, utilizing a full praise band and vocal team, along with occasional videos, drama, or special music to enhance the message.

  • It is always the parent's decision. We offer a nursery and children's church. If you choose, you may register your child(ren) at the Children's Registration table in the lobby and we'll help you make sure they get to the right classroom.

  • We always think it's a great idea to bring your Bible, especially to mark Scriptures that mean something to you.  On screen, we also reference the Scriptures used in the message and offer Bibles to borrow (or keep) if you forgot yours.

  • As our guest, please don't feel obligated to give, but you may give if you so desire.

  • We take special care to help you maintain your anonymity for as long as you want. We are here to minister to you in any way we possibly can, but we allow you to take the lead. If you would like to be added to our email list, you can do so here: click here.